Salman Khan Shows How Not to Promote a Product

This post will be most helpful for marketers and those who are studying marketing or business administration. Promotion is an art. If it is not done correctly your product will go down the drain. But recently, Salman Khan is proving that it can even make you look like the cheapest person. It is expected of him because he is Bollywood's number 1 cheapstar. Who is number 2? It is Mallika Sherwat. Anyways, Salman Khan recently has been quite tensed about his movie because he knows that Srk fans are too many number. Consequently, he tried to seduce them by using sweet words for Srk. This just makes him look like the dumbest bandar. Srk fans are way too educated and can realize in a second that he is trying to attract them to his movie. Marketing professors, be sure to slap your student if they write about this kind of promotion strategy in their marketing plan report. Here is what you should teach them to avoid all their lives.But at the end of the day, we have to conclude that he got this idea from Gaymir. He tends to use Srk's name every time he feels media is forgetting him. Ah, the magic potion "King Khan".